I'm a little nervous to post this blog entry because of my fear of having no responses (it seems people prefer to stay in lurking mode), but this could be fun if you want to participate.
I've noticed a lot more people "dropping by" lately, whether it be intentionally or inadvertently. So I'd like to invite you to make yourself at home, come on in, take your shoes off and set a spell (channeling a little Jed Clampett there). Not only would I love to know more about who you are, but I bet it would be interesting for other readers as well.
Whether you've been reading this blog from the beginning or are a new person who landed here inadvertently, it matters not. It would be an honor if you'd take a moment to comment and introduce yourself.
Here are some ideas for comments:
Where are you from?
Tell me a bit about your own spiritual journey.
What is one book that has had a great impact on your life (if any)?
Tell me if you found a particular blog entry helpful (or entertaining, interesting, etc.).
What would you like to read more about in a future blog post?
If you have a blog, feel free to share your blog address with the rest of us.
Looking forward to hearing from you!