7 Quick Takes Friday
Friday, June 10, 2011 at 6:45AM
Dana in 7 Quick Takes Friday, Humor, Musings

Originally introduced by Jennifer at Conversion Diary

"Scouring the web so you don't have to"


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Women: Know Your Limits!

Hmmm . . . I do love little kittens, too.


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Stuck In Customs

If you are interested in creating (or just appreciate) awesome photography, don't miss Stuck In Customs, the website of Trey Ratcliff. He specializes in HDR photography (you can read all about it on his website; he even offers tutorials). I warn you, though: you may spend a LOT of time on his site!



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Let's Have More Teen Pregnancy . . . huh?

I have been a big fan of author and speaker Frederica Mathewes-Green for several years. In her article, Let's Have More Teen Pregnancy, she makes the case for younger marriages. It's all tied up with the age of sexual maturity, economics, and the dumbing down of education.

I first encountered this idea a few years ago and, to put it mildly, it challenged my paradigm. But I think she has several good points. Give it a read and see what you think.


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When Mom Was My Age

I came across Jane Friedman's blog a few days ago and couldn't stop reading the entries titled, When Mom Was My Age, an interview series between mothers and daughters.

Made me want to interview my own mother for my blog (Mom, are you reading this?).

It's funny (not ha-ha funny, but peculiar), that it takes so many years before daughters fully appreciate their moms. I am incredibly thankful that God has given my mom and me so many years together and I treasure the stories and advice she has given me through the years.


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Mandatory Cheerfulness!

During cancer treatment, I touched on the topic of The Tyranny of Positive Thinking. I felt particularly compelled to write about it because I was experiencing the pressure to be positive and upbeat, even when I felt tired, sad, or discouraged. I maintain now, as I did then, that a lot of very wonderful, positive thinking people would still be alive today if all they needed to beat cancer was a perky attitude.

This video is a visual rendition of a speech titled, "Smile or Die." I found it thought-provoking and a bit mesmerizing. I'd love to know your thoughts on the topic.


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One Man Disney Movie

If you're a fan of Disney music, you'll love this! Nick Pitera, a 25-year old Pixar studios animator, has carved out a second career as a singer. Now his musical renditions of Disney hits have gone viral on YouTube.

Using a "Brady Bunch"-style grid, he performs an eight-minute-plus mashup of songs from various big-screen musical fairy tales, from "Beauty and the Beast" to "Tangled," taking on the roles of the heroes, heroines, villains, sidekicks and their furry choirs.

Not only is the video clever and entertaining, you can't beat Nick's voice. It's amazing to hear him sing both male and female lead parts!


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Dear 16-Year Old Me

Ever wondered what words of wisdom you would share with your 16-year old self from this vantage point in life? I could think of lots of things--including advice on which dates to avoid! This video is very well done and has an important message to share. I think it should be required viewing by all teens.

I liked it so much that I showed it this week to nearly 30 students in my Careers class, telling them to consider it a "Public Service Announcement" from a cancer survivor (me). When it was over, I observed a few students wiping tears from their eyes. 

Article originally appeared on Running The Race (http://www.runningtheraceblog.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.