
"I got to thinking one day about all those women on the Titanic who passed up dessert at dinner that fateful night in an effort to 'cut back.' From then on, I've tried to be a little more flexible."
(Erma Bombeck)

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Catching Up - Part I

In case you haven’t noticed, I took a break from my blog. I’ve had plenty to write about, though. This last month, I: a) Finished my two-year CTE Teacher Preparation Program; b) Finished my first year of teaching; c) Cleaned out my classroom and office, turned in the keys, and said my good-byes to Lakewood High School (my contract was not renewed due to budget cuts); d) Came home from my last day of work and found a voice mail from the school district offering me a contract next year for half the hours (.4 FTE); e) Declined the reduced offer since it would be only 16 hours a week and involves a commute (and won’t cover my bills, especially increased college tuition for the kid); f) Applied for unemployment (still waiting to hear if I’ll get the benefits); g) Applied for nine jobs to meet the unemployment requirements (three employer contacts per week); h) Celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary by getting married in the Orthodox Church!

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7 Quick Takes Friday

"Scouring the web so you don't have to"

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It's good to feel normal

Last Tuesday, I visited the same facility where I was diagnosed with breast cancer in order to have an ultrasound in the same spot where the tumor was removed. Since having radiation two years ago, I've gotten used to the “stings and zingers” that are normal for tissue recovering from surgery and radiation. However, three months ago, I had an ache deep within my breast that was exactly the same as the pain I experienced prior to my diagnosis (the pain that drove me—back in 2008--to a doctor for an overdue mammogram).

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All RIFFed up and nowhere to go

I knew something was up when my boss showed up in my classroom and said we needed to talk. First thing that ran through my mind was that a student or parent had complained about me—every first-year teacher’s nightmare. I’d noticed his somber demeanor and wondered if my job was in jeopardy. It was, but not for the reasons I thought.

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7 Quick Takes Friday

"Scouring the web so you don't have to" Taking a cue from Jennifer over on Conversion Diary, today I'm introducing 7 Quick Takes Friday, a hodge-podge of items for your reading pleasure. Hope you find something interesting, inspirational, or humorous!

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365 days of gratitude

Several years ago, my husband and I attended a marriage conference at a resort hotel, along with a few hundred other married couples. During the opening seminar, the moderator asked for people to stand up, with the qualification that they had parents who were alive and married over 25 years. In a room with hundreds of people, lots of us stood. The moderator continued increasing the number of years of our parents’ marriages (asking those who didn't qualify to sit down), until he got to 50 years of marriage. By that time, only a select few of us were left standing. I was amazed! I had never fully realized before how unique and fortunate I was to have parents alive and married so long.

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Romantically challenged

My husband and I just returned from an overnight trip to San Juan Island (Washington state). It's the first time we've gone away alone together in . . . I honestly can't remember the last time! Even though it was a short trip, I am very thankful to have done it.

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